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Sunday Bulletin, 9-11-22

Order of Service

  • Call to Worship
  • Worship: Clarissa Brunt and Team
  • Prayers of the People: Lorenna Ellis
  • Announcements: Kelli Vos
  • Tithes and Offerings
  • Meet Your Neighbor
  • Sermon: Philippians 3:17-22: “A Worthy Goal," Daniel Becerra
  • Worship: Worship Team
  • Benediction


  • Tutoring begins on Sept 19th! This is a VERY tangible way of loving our West Long Beach neighbors on a consistent basis. We have a need for tutors K-5th grade on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3 – 5:00 pm. Please consider joining this tutoring team. Please inquire at the Welcome Table outside, or email
  • Family Camp: Today is the deadline to pay for Family Camp and complete the Forest Home online registration. Please talk to Kathy or Mom if you have questions. Find her at the Info Table!
  • No Church on 9/30: Please remember that we will not have church on 9/30. We’ll be at Family Camp! If you aren’t attending camp, please visit another church on that Sunday.
  • The Well @ Steelcraft: FOL Women, please save the date, 10/23 for lunch at Steelcraft.
  • Giving: Please give your tithes and offerings online (, but if you would like to write a check or give cash, place it in the box.
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