Serving in the City
Family Center
The FOL Family Center embodies our motto, “In the City, For the City.” FOL’s first outreach in West Long Beach, the tutoring program, began with one student and now provides tutoring for grades K-5. During the school year, tutoring takes place Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Family Center also serves as the hub of several of our community programs, including Adult English as a Second Language (ESL) classes, youth group activities, science camp, and Kidz Camp (our Vacation Bible School.)
We are always looking for volunteers to serve! Contact Tim for more info.
We are always looking for volunteers to serve! Contact Tim for more info.

English as a Second Language
We offer free English classes, especially for the community of West Long Beach, but all are welcome. We have classes for beginning and intermediate students. Email Caroline Sato or call 562-999-6252. On Fridays, Caroline also leads a Spanish-language Bible study at the Family Center.
Clases de inglés gratis, organizadas especialmente para la comunidad de West Long Beach, pero todo el mundo bienvenido. Ponerse en contacto con Caroline a 562-999-6252.
Clases de inglés gratis, organizadas especialmente para la comunidad de West Long Beach, pero todo el mundo bienvenido. Ponerse en contacto con Caroline a 562-999-6252.

West Long Beach Advocacy Group
The West Long Beach Advocacy Group, which serves as a group of community leaders focused on bringing essential resources and services to West Long Beach to improve and enhance the residents' quality of life. Please contact Connie Loggins.

Food Pantry
West Long Beach has high rates of food insecurity. In order to serve our community, FOL has partnered with the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank, the Long Beach Center for Economic Inclusion, and Food Forward to provide pantry staples and fresh produce to community members. If you would like to serve in this ministry, if your family needs food, or if you would like to donate food or other items, please contact Tim Sato at The pantry takes place every Wednesday at the FOL Family Center (3211 Santa Fe Ave., Long Beach, 90810) from 10:00 am - 11:30 am.
Current needs: hygiene kits (including toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, etc.), foods with pop tops or easy to open containers, boxed milk, etc.
Current needs: hygiene kits (including toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, etc.), foods with pop tops or easy to open containers, boxed milk, etc.