Sunday Bulletin, 5-7-23

- Worship: Clarissa Brunt and Team
- Welcome and Announcements
- James Carroll
- Sermon
- Rev. Dr. Matt Jenson
- Testimonies:
- Angelina, Bradley, Ethan, Kevin
- Baptisms
- Worship
- Benediction
- Pastoral Candidate Vote: The vote is underway. Members, please vote by tonight at 11:45 pm. If you have not received an email confirmation, your vote has not been counted. Please contact ASAP if you need help with your ballot or if you have not received one.
- Faith and Finances, Begins May 14: David and Shari Uyematsu are leading a new cohort of Faith and Finances. Sign up by emailing
- Life Groups: Small group Bible studies are underway. If you would like a Life Group, please email Roy (
- Back at Stephens Next Week: Next week is Mother’s Day and we’ll be back at Stephens Middle School auditorium at 10:00 am.
- Save the Date, 6/4: Two panels at the Family Center. Men, join us for Faithful Fatherhood, 12:00 pm – 3:00 (Including Lunch). Women, come by the Family Center for Mentoring Mamas, 4:00 – 6:00 pm. Check the weekly update this week for more info.
- Tithes and Offerings: Please give online (
Posted in Sunday Bulletins