Sunday Bulletin, 10-8-23
Order of Service (On Zoom:
The Prayer Team is available to pray with you after the service. Please stay in the Zoom meeting after the conclusion of the service.
- Welcome and announcements: Andre Schmidt
- Reading of Psalm 84:1-4, Emily Kazim
- Prayers of the People, Emily Kazim
- “God Who Sees Us” (Video)
- Reading of Genesis 16, Eul-Shik Hong
- Sermon: You Are the God Who Sees, Pastor Kim
- Breakout Groups
- “Drive Out the Darkness” (Video)
- Benediction
The Prayer Team is available to pray with you after the service. Please stay in the Zoom meeting after the conclusion of the service.
- We'll be back at Stephens Middle School on 10/15. See you in person next week!
- Care Ministry: If you are sick and you need practical service, please contact Tim.
- Knotts Scary Farm, 10/13: The High School youth will be going to Knotts Scary Farm from 7pm-12:30 am. The cost is $80. Drop off at 6:00 pm at Sarah Groot's home and pick up before 10:00 am on 10/14. Sign up here.
- Drop-in Tutoring is underway at the Family Center on Tuesday nights. Please help us get the word out! Contact Fred Ngo if you would like to help out. (See flier below.)