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Daily Lenten Reflections 2025

Get your Daily Lenten Reflections 2025 pdf HERE.
We will also be providing hard copies on Sunday, March 9, for those of you who love to mark up what you read, make notations and underline as part of your engagement process! What is this resource? This is a collection of reflections offered by members of our FOL family and a few chaplains from around the world. There is one for each of the 40 days of Lent. You are invited to use this resource as a companion to The Audio Files: The Lenten Collection - these audio recordings are readings each day from a collection by Henri Nouwen that has been designed just for Lent. Lent is 40 days and does not include Sundays. So... the Daily Lenten Reflections 2025 pdf does not include reflections for Sundays. However, the audio files DOES include Sunday reflections. We recommend using at least one of these resources each morning or evening  - and so begin a habit of daily solitude with God. Hopefully you can continue this habit when the season of Lent is completed. If you use both - we suggest that one might be great to start your day - even listening on your way to work or school, and one might be great to end your day - entrusting yourself to God through the Word and prayers of God's people.