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Day Eleven
Thursday, December 7

Psalm 32
“Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man whose sin the LORD does not count against him, and in whose spirit is no deceit.”
Psalm 32:1-2
When I read this passage, I am struck by the word “covered." I am originally from the East Coast, and as we approach the holiday season, I have fond memories of a few winter storms. After the storms, we would wake up in the morning, and the sun would glisten on blankets of snow as high as our shoulders. School would be canceled for the week, and we would all stay home and rest and play in a world that had some pre-internet peace.

Today I find myself longing for the LORD to come and cover us. There is so much sin—inside me, inside my neighbor, inside my students and our institutions and our churches and our nations. And there is very little peace. So I pray that God would cover our sin like a blanket of snow falling from the sky, overwhelming us with so much mercy that the entire world stops for a moment. And I pray that we marvel and play and be at peace.
Diana Ngo is an economics professor at Occidental College and is learning to teach her kids (both the little biological ones and the big student ones) how to be kind to one another.