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Family Camp 2022 Poll
on May 24th, 2022
We're looking into having in-person Family Camp at Forest Home, 9/30 - 10/2/22. We need your help! Please fill out this short survey by Wednesday, 5/25.It will take 2 minutes. An actual 120 seconds, not an FOL "2 minutes."  (Also, only one form per household please!)Follow this link:  Read More
Cameron and Lorenna Become Safe Families for Children Hosts
on April 27th, 2022
Lorenna and Cameron are about to step out in faith. Yes, they are open to new things, like boba tasting (see photo above) or joining a new church during a global pandemic, but God is calling them to a new challenge. They’ve been approved as Safe Families hosts.  Safe Families for Children is a ministry of biblical hospitality that links hosts with parents who are raising kids with...  Read More
Called Trained and Sent to West Long Beach and Beyond
on April 6th, 2022
Fountain of Life is a church that is committed to see God’s Kingdom grow in West Long Beach. We give of ourselves, our time, our resources to seek God’s Kingdom. But did you know that FOL has also long been invested in Kingdom work outside of West Long Beach and across the globe? One of the ways that this is true has been through FOL’s giving to other ministries, including Destino, InterVarsity an...  Read More
Stressed Out
on March 23rd, 2022
The American Psychological Association released findings from its "Stress in America" survey on the second anniversary of the pandemic, just a few days ago. Americans are stressed about many things, including the economy, the war in Ukraine, and the pandemic itself. “The number of people who say they’re significantly stressed about these most recent events is stunning relative to what we’ve seen s...  Read More
Pray for Ukraine
on March 9th, 2022
The war in Ukraine continues to rage on and today there were increasing reports of attacks on civilians. We mourn the loss of life and the evil of war. Please take a moment to pray for the people of Ukraine and the people of Russia. May God have mercy.The Evangelical Covenant Church, through Covenant World Relief and Development, is partnering with the International Federation of Free Evangelical ...  Read More
Ash Wednesday 2022
on March 3rd, 2022
We observed the first day of Lent with the imposition of ashes—a sign of the cross placed on our foreheads—and the words, "Remember that you are dust and to dust you will return."As we consider our mortality, reflect on our sin, and contemplate the fallen nature of the world (which, to be honest, is pretty easy to do nowadays), let's also remember our great hope in Jesus.(Art by Samantha Carroll)...  Read More
FOL Announces Transition Pastor
on February 23rd, 2022
We are pleased to announce that the Rev. Dr. Tim Dally will serve as transition pastor for Fountain of Life Covenant Church! Pastor Tim has a wealth of ministry experience and has served as a senior pastor, church planter, youth pastor, and executive pastor. He has led two Covenant churches, most recently, Pasadena Covenant Church. Pastor Tim also serves as professor of ministry and biblical studi...  Read More
15th Anniversary
on February 16th, 2022
On Sunday, February 13, we celebrated God's faithfulness over the last 15 years of our church, especially what he is doing through Life Groups and ministries in West Long Beach. The service included testimonies, beautiful decorations, and a collaborative art project designed by Samantha Carroll. (Watch the testimonies here.)The FOL Officers and staff are grateful to so many people who contributed ...  Read More
on February 8th, 2022
 BELLFLOWER – Within moments of the opening whistle, the paint-splattered men marched back to the starting line, arms raised in surrender. After a stunned silence, they began to ask, “Who got you?” One name emerged from their lips: “James.”James Carroll, FOL youth director, charged behind enemy lines, dodging countless yellow spheres fired in his direction. He led his youth team to victory with a ...  Read More
Black History Month
on February 2nd, 2022
Take a moment to read this familiar verse:  "Now there were in the church at Antioch prophets and teachers, Barnabas, Simeon who was called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen a lifelong friend of Herod the tetrarch, and Saul." (Acts 13:1 ESV)Now read this statement by Thomas Oden:"Ponder this as if with African eyes: Mark, Lucius of Cyrene and [Simeon] were all together in Antioch, praying and fastin...  Read More
Thoughts on Mental Health
on February 2nd, 2022
As a marriage and family therapist, I often think about what God—our Creator, Healer, Counselor, and Liberator—means for our mental health during life on Earth. In the communities I work in, traumatic events happen frequently, e.g., violence, tragic deaths, poverty, and homelessness. Traumatic experiences like these can create physical changes in the hum...  Read More
A Posture of Joy
on January 12th, 2022
"There is something countercultural about the posture of joy."Mark Sayers, author of The Disappearing Church (and its more hopeful sequel, The Reappearing Church)If you're like most of us, it's not easy "count it all joy" in the midst of trials (James 1:2). To be sure, 2020, 2021, and now, 2022, have had their share of trials!Mark Sayers, recently discussed leadership postures for a new season. "P...  Read More